TAURUZ(以下或稱“我們”)注重保護用戶個人資訊及個人隱私。本隱私政策包含我們收 集、處理、存儲、使用、共用、轉讓、公開披露和保護用戶(“您”)個人資訊(以下或稱 “資訊”)的有關條款。
【特別提示】請您在使用我們提供的服務前,仔細閱讀並充分理解本《隱私政策》(重點內 容我們已將字體加粗請您特別關注)。如果您不同意本隱私政策的任何內容,您應立即 停止使用我們的服務。當您使用我們提供的任一服務時,即表示您已同意我們按照本隱私 政策來收集、處理、存儲、使用、共用和保護您的個人資訊。
本隱私政策適用於TAURUZ洗車平臺向您提供的所有服務(以下稱“服務”或“我們的服務”)。 您訪問TAURUZ洗車平臺及/或登錄相關客戶端使用TAURUZ提供的服務,均適用本隱私政 策。 本政策不適用於通過我們的服務而接入的其他第三方產品/服務(“其他第三方”,包括但 不限於您的交易相對方、任何第三方網站以及第三方服務提供者)收集的資訊。我們對前述 第三方使用您個人資訊的行為及後果不承擔任何責任。請您注意,其他第三方可能有自己的 隱私權保護政策;當您查看其他第三方創建的網頁或使用其他第三方開發的應用程式時,可 能會發現該網頁或應用程式放置的Cookie或像素標籤。這些Cookie或標籤不受我們的控制, 而且它們的使用不受本政策的約束。
個人資訊是指以電子或者其他方式記錄的能夠單獨或者與其他資訊結合識別特定自然人身 份或者反映特定自然人活動情況的各種資訊。在本隱私政策中包括:姓名、手機號碼、用戶 密碼、身份證號碼、身份證或其他身份證明、照片、性別、年齡、職業資訊、征信資訊、車 輛、行駛證、駕駛證、常用地址、通訊地址、緊急聯繫人、位置資訊、行程資訊、通話記錄、 服務錄音錄影、訂單資訊及交易狀態、支付資訊、提現記錄、銀行卡號、評價資訊、日誌資 訊、設備資訊、IP地址等。 個人敏感資訊,是指一旦洩露、非法提供或濫用可能危害人身和財產安全,極易導致個人名 譽、身心健康受到損害或歧視性待遇等的個人資訊,在本隱私政策中包括:手機號碼、用戶 密碼、身份證或其他身份證明、車輛、行駛證、駕駛證、位置資訊、行程資訊、通話記錄、 錄音錄影、支付資訊、提現記錄、銀行卡號。 匿名化處理後的資訊,即通過對個人資訊的技術處理,使得個人資訊主體無法被識別,且處 理後不能被復原的資訊,匿名化處理後的資訊不屬於個人資訊。 其他無法識別特定自然人身份或者反映特定自然人活動情況的資訊不屬於個人資訊。
我們僅會出於本政策所述的以下目的,收集和使用您的個人資訊:為了遵守法律法規的要求, 向您提供更好以及更個性化的服務,並努力提高您的用戶體驗。您向我們提供下述資訊或使 用我們的服務時,即表示您同意我們按照本政策規定收集資訊。
為了遵守法律法規的要求,以及向您提供更個性化、更便捷的服務,我們需要識別您的身份, 當您註冊我們的帳戶及您在使用我們的相關服務時,需要您填寫、提交及/或以其他任何方 式提供您的個人資訊。
(1)您需要向我們提供您的手機號碼,並設置您在TAURUZ洗車平臺的用戶密碼。我們以 此識別您在TAURUZ洗車平臺的網路身份,並為您提供TAURUZ洗車平臺服務。如果您拒絕 提供手機號碼,TAURUZ洗車平臺將無法為您創建帳號並提供服務。
(2)您需要向我們提供您的車輛資訊、駕駛證及行駛證資訊。我們以此識別您在TAURUZ洗 車平臺的網路身份,以及保護您人身財產安全、及處理用戶糾紛之需要。如果您拒絕提供車 輛資訊、駕駛證及行駛證資訊,TAURUZ洗車平臺將無法為您提供相關服務。
(4)您參加我們的運營活動時,我們需要您提供某些資訊,可能會包含您的姓名、照片、 通訊地址、聯繫方式、銀行卡號。這些資訊可以幫助我們對活動結果進行公示,對活動進行 後續宣傳,與您取得聯繫,向您發放禮品或轉賬。如果您拒絕提供此類資訊,可能導致無法 參加相應活動,或無法收到禮品、轉賬。
(5)您在TAURUZ洗車平臺進行回饋或文字評價的過程中,也可能會包含或者關聯到您的 個人資訊。
您可以選擇不提供第(3)-(4)的某一或某些資訊,這樣不會影響您使用我們的核心功能, 但可能使您無法使用我們的部分特色服務。請您理解,我們使用您提供的資訊是為了回應您 的要求,為您享受我們提供的各項服務提供便利,完善我們的網站/客戶端以及與您進行資 訊溝通。
為了提升服務品質和用戶體驗,我們會留存您使用服務以及相關使用方式的資訊,這類資訊 包括:
(1)您的位置資訊,我們將收集您的位置資訊,以便您不需要手動輸入地理座標即可獲得 相關的服務。在您首次使用TAURUZ洗車平臺前,我們會提示您選擇是否允許TAURUZ洗車 平臺獲取以及何種情況下可以獲取您的位置資訊。在您使用TAURUZ洗車平臺的過程中,您 可以隨時通過您的設備設置功能,選擇是否允許TAURUZ洗車平臺獲取以及何種情況下可以 獲取您的位置資訊。獲得您的允許後,我們會通過IP地址、GPS以及能夠提供相關資訊的 其他感測器(如附近設備、Wi-Fi接入點和基站資訊)來獲取您的位置資訊。如果您拒絕 TAURUZ洗車平臺獲取位置資訊,您將需要手動定位您的位置。
(2)訂單資訊及交易狀態。我們將記錄您的訂單資訊及交易狀態。我們收集上述資訊是基 於法律法規要求以及保護您的人身財產安全、依照平臺規則處理用戶糾紛之需要。
(3)您在TAURUZ洗車平臺進行交易支付時,如果使用第三方支付功能,TAURUZ除獲取您 的支付工具及訂單支付狀態、充值資訊外,不會獲取其他個人資訊。我們收集上述資訊以核 實您是否按約支付費用,維護平臺交易秩序,並按照平臺規則處理用戶糾紛。
(4)為開展數據分析和更好改善平臺服務,我們會收集您的日誌資訊,包括檢索內容、IP 地址、設備資訊(包括設備型號、設備識別碼、操作系統、解析度、電信運營商)、位置資 訊、訂單資訊,作出特徵模型並進行用戶畫像,以為您提供更加個性化、便捷的服務。
您提供的上述資訊及上述被獲取的資訊,將在您使用本服務期間持續授權我們使用。除非法 律對存儲時間有特殊要求,在您註銷帳號時,我們將停止使用並匿名化上述資訊。上述資訊 將存儲於中華人民共和國境內。
除上述資訊外,我們還可能為了提供服務及改進服務品質的合理需要而獲得您的其他資訊, 包括但不限於您與我們的客服團隊聯繫時提供的相關資訊,您參與問卷調查時向我們發送的 問卷答復資訊,以及您與我們的關聯方、我們合作夥伴之間互動時我們獲得的相關資訊。同 時,為提高您使用我們提供的服務的安全性,更準確地預防釣魚網站欺詐和木馬病毒,我們 可能會通過瞭解一些您的網路使用習慣、您常用的軟體資訊等手段來判斷您帳戶的風險,並 可能會記錄一些我們認為有風險的鏈接(“URL”)。
為向您提供服務、提升我們的服務品質以及優化您的服務體驗,我們會在符合法律規定或獲 得您授權的情況下使用您的個人資訊,並主要用於下列用途:
1、向您提供您使用的各項服務,並維護、改進這些服務。包括但不限於為優化用戶體驗之 目的,TAURUZ洗車平臺及其關聯公司會共用您在該帳號下的各類資訊。
2、向您推薦您可能感興趣的內容,包括但不限於向您發出保證服務完成所必需的驗證碼, 產品和服務資訊,或通過系統向您展示個性化的第三方推廣資訊,或在征得您同意的情況下 與我們的合作夥伴共用資訊以便他們向您發送有關其產品和服務的資訊。如您不希望接收上 述資訊,可通過相應的退訂功能進行退訂。
3、我們可能使用您的個人資訊以驗證身份,預防、發現、調查可能存在的欺詐、危害安全、 非法或違反與我們或關聯方協議、政策或規則的行為,以保護您、其他用戶、我們或關聯方 的合法權益。
4、我們可能會將來自某項服務的個人資訊、交易資訊與來自其他服務所獲得的資訊結合起 來,進行綜合統計、分析或加工等處理,用來向您推薦或展示您可能感興趣的產品/服務資 訊,或者通過系統向您展示個性化的第三方推廣資訊。如您不希望接收我們給您發送的商業 廣告,可通過相應的退訂功能進行退訂。
5、我們會對我們的服務使用情況進行統計,並可能會與公眾或第三方分享這些統計資訊, 以展示我們的產品或服務的整體使用趨勢。但這些統計資訊不包含您的任何身份識別資訊。
6、讓您參與有關我們產品及服務的調查。我們可能會獲取您參與問卷調查時向我們發送的 答復資訊,以及您與我們的關聯方、合作夥伴之間互動時提供的相關資訊,以便於優化客戶 服務的品質與流程。
d.出於維護個人資訊主體或其他個人的生命、財產等重大合法權益但又很難得到本人同意 的;
f.從合法公開披露的資訊中收集的您的個人資訊的,如合法的新聞報導、政府資訊公開等管 道;
h.用於維護所提供的產品與/或服務的安全穩定運行所必需的,例如發現、處置產品與/或服 務的故障;
您可以通過我們的服務建立聯繫和相互分享。當您通過我們的服務創建交流、交易或分享時, 您可以允許TAURUZ訪問您的電腦、手機或其他第三方社交平臺的通訊錄,用於分享TAURUZ 的服務邀請和優惠資訊,這些資訊中可能會包含您在TAURUZ洗車平臺設置的用戶名、頭像 以及其他經您確認分享的內容。 公開信息是指您自願公開分享的任何資訊。任何人都可以在使用和未使用TAURUZ服務期間 查看或訪問這些資訊。 為使用TAURUZ服務,可能存在您必須公開分享的資訊。例如為構建誠信交易環境,您的信 用評價資訊需要被公開分享。 請注意,您在使用我們服務時自願共用的資訊,可能會涉及您或他人的個人資訊甚至個人敏 感資訊,如您的交易資訊,以及您在評價時選擇上傳包含個人資訊的文字、圖片或視頻等各 種形式的資訊。請您更加謹慎地考慮,是否在使用我們的服務時共用甚至公開分享相關資訊。
我們不會將您的個人資訊共用、轉讓、公開披露給TAURUZ及其關聯公司以外的任何第三方, 但以下情況除外:
3、出於實現“個人資訊的使用”部分所述目的,或為履行我們在用戶協議或本隱私政策中 的義務和行使我們的權利,向我們的關聯方、合作夥伴或代表我們履行某項職能的第三方(例 如代表我們發出推送通知的通訊服務商、處理銀行卡的支付機構、第三方驗證機構等)分享 您的個人資訊。
4、某些情況下,只有共用您的資訊,才能提供您需要的服務,或處理您與他人的糾紛或爭 議。
5、我們與第三方進行聯合行銷活動,我們可能與其共用活動過程中產生的、為完成活動所 必要的個人資訊,如參加活動的用戶數、中獎名單、中獎人聯繫方式等,以便第三方能及時 向您發放獎品。 與授權合作夥伴共用。僅為實現本政策中聲明的目的,我們的某些服務將由授權合作夥伴提 供。我們僅會出於合法、正當、必要、特定、明確的目的共用您的個人資訊,並且只會共用 提供服務所必要的個人資訊。我們的合作夥伴無權將共用的個人資訊用於任何其他用途。
6、根據法律規定及合理商業習慣,在我們計畫與其他公司合併或被其收購或進行其他資本 市場活動(包括但不限於IPO,債券發行)時,以及其他情形下我們需要接受來自其他主體 的盡職調查時,我們會把您的資訊提供給必要的主體,但我們會通過和這些主體簽署保密協 議等方式要求其對您的個人資訊採取合理的保密措施。
7、您出現違反法律、法規規定或者違反您與我們簽署的相關協議(包括線上簽署的電子協 議)或相關規則時需要向第三方披露的情形。
8、為維護我們及關聯方或其他用戶的合法權益,在協助處理與您有關的交易糾紛或爭議時, 我們可能向您的交易相對方或存在利害關係的第三方提供解決交易糾紛或爭議所必需的資 訊。 對我們與之共用個人資訊的公司、組織和個人,我們會與之簽署嚴格的保密協議,要求他們 按照我們的說明、本隱私政策及其他任何相關的保密和安全措施來處理個人資訊。隨著我們 業務的發展,我們及我們的關聯方有可能進行合併、收購、資產轉讓或類似的交易,您的個 人資訊有可能作為此類交易的一部分而被轉移。
a.為配合人民檢察院、公安機關、國家安全機關偵查用戶使用TAURUZ服務過程中產生的犯 罪行為,更好保護其他用戶生命財產安全,為配合人民法院查清案情,您的個人資訊和帳戶 將被保存;
4、如您希望刪除個人資訊,可以通過線上自行刪除(如可以)或電話聯繫TAURUZ客服, 提交刪除申請。在滿足本協議要求及法律法規要求的最短保存期限的情況下,我們將對您的 個人資訊進行刪除或匿名化處理。在上述法律法規要求的最短保存期限內,我們將不再對您 的個人資訊進行商業化使用。
5、如TAURUZ洗車平臺停止運營,我們將至少提前30日發佈公告,並及時停止收集個人資 訊。停止運營後,我們將停止對個人資訊的商業化使用,並在滿足法律法規規定的最短保存 期後,對收集的個人資訊進行匿名化處理。
6、當TAURUZ存在以下情形時,您刪除個人資訊的申請將不受法律法規要求的最短保存期 限限制:
為保障您的資訊安全,我們努力採取各種符合業界標準的物理、電子和管理方面的安全措施 來保護您的個人資訊,建立數據分類分級制度、數據安全管理規範、數據安全開發規範來管 理規範個人資訊的存儲和使用。 我們通過資訊接觸者保密協議,縱深防護體系以及身份認證、監控、審計等各類安全機制來 對數據進行全面安全控制。防止您的個人資訊遭到未經授權訪問、公開披露、使用、修改、 損壞或丟失。我們會採取一切合理可行的措施,保護您的個人資訊。例如數據傳輸過程中使 用加密傳輸協議;使用加密技術確保數據的保密性;使用受信賴的保護機制防止數據遭到惡 意攻擊;部署訪問控制機制,確保只有授權人員才可訪問個人資訊;以及舉辦安全和隱私保 護培訓課程,加強員工對於保護個人資訊重要性的認識;建立數據安全監控和審計制度,進 行全面數據安全控制。 請注意,單獨的設備資訊、搜索關鍵字資訊等無法與任何特定個人直接建立聯繫的數據,不 屬於個人資訊。如果我們將這類非個人資訊與其他資訊結合用於識別自然人個人身份,或者 將其與個人資訊結合使用,則在結合使用期間,此類設備資訊將被視為個人資訊。我們會採 取一切合理可行的措施,確保未收集無關的個人資訊。我們只會在達成本政策所述目的所需 的期限內保留您的個人資訊,除非需要延長保留期或受到法律的允許。 互聯網並非絕對安全的環境,我們強烈建議您通過安全方式、使用複雜密碼,協助我們保證 您的帳號安全。如您發現自己的個人資訊洩密,尤其是您的帳戶或密碼發生洩漏,請您立即 根據本政策中提供的聯繫方式聯絡我們,以便我們採取相應措施。
在不幸發生個人資訊安全事件後,我們將按照法律法規的要求,及時向您告知:安全事件的 基本情況和可能的影響、我們已採取或將要採取的處置措施、您可自主防範和降低風險的措 施、對您的補救措施等。我們將及時將事件相關情況以郵件、信函、電話、推送通知等方式 告知您,難以逐一告知個人資訊主體時,我們會採取合理、有效的方式發佈公告。同時,我 們還將按照監管部門要求,主動上報個人資訊安全事件的處置情況。
(一)訪問、更正您的個人資訊,法律法規另有規定的除外。您可以通過以下方式管理您的 資訊: 帳戶資訊——您可以訪問、更正您帳戶中的個人資料及帳號資訊(身份認證資訊除外)、支 付資訊、帳號綁定資訊等,也可以更改您的密碼、添加安全資訊或退出當前帳號等,您可以 通過訪問APP客戶端來執行此類操作。 訂單資訊——您可以通過訪問APP客戶端“訂單”頁面查看您的所有已經完成、待付款、待 評價的訂單。 資訊刪除——您可以聯繫客服提交刪除申請。在滿足本協議、用戶協議要求及法律法規要求 的最短保存期限的情況下,我們將對您的個人資訊進行刪除或匿名化處理,但這樣可能導致 我們無法向您提供相應的服務。 如果您無法管理上述個人資訊,您可以隨時聯繫我們的客服解決。
(二)改變您授權同意的範圍或撤回授權,我們將通過以下方式保障您撤回同意的權利: a.TAURUZ洗車平臺發送的商業廣告資訊中,會向您說明具體退訂方式,您可以按照資訊中 說明的退訂方式撤回同意。 b.您可以通過設備的設置功能,關閉相應設備許可權(包括位置、通訊錄、照片、麥克風、 相機、通知等),撤回對TAURUZ獲取您個人資訊的授權。 c.您還可以通過解除銀行卡綁定、刪除資訊等方式撤回部分授權。 當您撤回同意或授權後,可能導致我們無法為您繼續提供撤回授權部分對應的服務。但您撤 回同意或授權,不影響撤回前基於您的同意開展的個人資訊處理。
(三)註銷帳號,您可以註銷在TAURUZ洗車平臺的帳號。除法律法規另有規定外,註銷帳 號之後我們將停止為您提供服務,並根據本協議約定期限及法律法規的要求保存您的個人資 訊,保存期限屆滿後我們將對您的個人資訊進行匿名化處理。 以上資訊您均可以通過TAURUZ客戶端進行訪問和更新。 如果您認為TAURUZ洗車平臺存在違反法律規定收集、使用您個人資訊的情形,您可以通過 TAURUZ客服與我們取得聯繫。為了保障安全,我們可能需要您提供書面請求或以其他方式 證明您的身份和請求的正當性,我們將在收到您回饋並驗證您的身份後的30天內答復您的 請求。對於您合理的請求,我們原則上不收取費用,但多次重複、超出合理限度的請求,我 們將視情況收取一定的成本費用。對於那些無端重複、需要過多技術手段(例如,需要開發 新系統或從根本上改變現行慣例)、給他人合法權益帶來風險或者非常不切實際(例如,涉 及備份磁帶上存放的資訊)的請求,我們可能會予以拒絕。
Cookie是由網頁伺服器存放在您的訪問設備上的文本檔。指定給您的Cookie是唯一的,它 只能被將Cookie發佈給您的域中的Web伺服器讀取。
我們使用Cookie來幫助您實現您的聯機體驗的個性化,使您在我們及關聯方獲得更輕鬆的 訪問體驗。例如,Cookie會幫助您在後續訪問我們網站時調用您的資訊,簡化記錄您填寫 個人資訊(例如一鍵登錄等)的流程;為您提供安全購物的偏好設置;幫助您優化對廣告的 選擇與互動;保護您的數據安全等。
您有權接受或拒絕Cookie。大多數流覽器會自動接受Cookie,但您通常可根據自己的需要 來修改流覽器的設置以拒絕Cookie。目前,主要互聯網標準組織尚未設立相關政策來規定 網站應如何應對此類請求。如果您的流覽器啟用了DoNotTrack,那麼我們的所有網站都 會尊重您的選擇。但您可能無法完全體驗所訪問的我們網站或某些服務的全部功能。
我們非常重視對未成年人個人資訊的保護。我們的網站和服務主要面向成年人。如您為未成 年人的,建議您請您的父母或監護人仔細閱讀本隱私權政策,並在征得您的父母或監護人同 意的前提下使用我們的服務或向我們提供資訊。 對於經父母同意而收集兒童個人資訊的情況,我們只會在受到法律允許、父母或監護人明確 同意或者保護兒童所必要的情況下使用或公開披露此信息。如果我們發現自己在未事先獲得 可證實的父母同意的情況下收集了兒童的個人資訊,會設法儘快刪除相關數據。 我們根據法律的規定保護未成年人的個人資訊。儘管當地法律和習俗對兒童的定義不同,但 我們將不滿14周歲的任何人均視為兒童。
為給您提供更好的服務,我們的業務將不時變化,本隱私政策也將隨之調整。我們會通過本 APP客戶端上發出更新版本、發送推送通知或以其他方式提醒您相關內容的更新,也請您訪 問我們以便及時瞭解最新的隱私政策。如無特別說明,修訂後的隱私政策自公佈之日起生效。 在前述情況下,若您繼續使用我們的服務,即表示同意接受修改後的本政策並受之約束。
如對本政策有任何疑問,您可以通過發送郵件至enquiry@thetaurus.com.hk或撥打我們客服電話(852)24920386與我們聯系並作充分描述,我們將會答復您的請求並盡力解決。 如果您對我們的回復不滿意,特別是認為我們的個人信息處理行為損害了您的合法權益,您還可以通過向被告住所地有管轄權的法院訴訟解決。
TAURUZ (hereinafter referred to as "we") focuses on the protection of personal information and personal privacy of users. This Privacy Policy contains the terms and conditions for our collection, processing, storage, use, sharing, transfer, public disclosure and protection of User ("You") Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as "Information").
This policy will help you understand the following:
I. Scope of application of this policy
2. Definition and scope of personal information
3.How do we collect and use your personal information?
4. How do you/we share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information?
5. How we save and protect your personal information
6.How do you manage your personal information?
7.How do we use cookies?
8.How do we deal with the personal information of minors?
9.How to update this policy
10.How do you contact us?
[Special Tips] Please read and fully understand this Privacy Policy before using the services we provide (the key content we have bolded the font please pay special attention). If you do not agree to any of this Privacy Policy, you should stop using our services immediately. By using any of the services we provide, you consent to the collection, processing, storage, use, sharing and protection of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
If you have any questions about this policy, you can contact us by email at enquiry@thetaurus.com.hk or call our customer service at 31811821. We will respond to your request and do our best to resolve it.
1、Scope of application of this policy
This Privacy Policy applies to all services provided by the TAURUZ Platform (hereinafter referred to as "Services" or "Our Services"). This Privacy Policy applies to your access to the services provided by the TAURUZ platform. This policy does not apply to information collected by other third-party products/services accessed through our services ("Other third parties", including but not limited to your counterparties, any third-party websites, and third-party service providers). . We are not responsible for the actions and consequences of the use of your personal information by third parties mentioned above. Please note that other third parties may have their own privacy protection policies; when you view pages created by other third parties or use other third-party developed applications, you may find cookies or pixel tags placed on the page or application. . These cookies or labels are not under our control and their use is not subject to this policy.
2、Definition and scope of personal information
Personal information refers to various information recorded electronically or otherwise that can identify a specific natural person or reflect the activity of a particular natural person, either alone or in combination with other information. This privacy policy includes: name, mobile number, user password, ID number, ID card or other identification, photo, gender, age, occupation information, credit information, vehicle, driving license, driver's license, common address, Mailing address, emergency contact, location information, itinerary information, call history, service recording and recording, order information and transaction status, payment information, withdrawal record, bank card number, evaluation information, log information, device information, IP address, etc.
Personally sensitive information refers to personal information that may easily lead to personal reputation, physical and mental health damage or discriminatory treatment, such as mobile phone number and user, if it is disclosed, illegally provided or abused, which may endanger personal and property safety. Password, ID card or other identification, vehicle, driving license, driver's license, location information, itinerary information, call history, audio and video recording, payment information, withdrawal record, bank card number.
The anonymized information, that is, the information that the personal information subject cannot be recognized by the technical processing of the personal information, and the information that cannot be restored after the processing, the anonymized information does not belong to the personal information.
Other information that does not identify a particular natural person or reflects the activity of a particular natural person is not personal information.
3.How we collect and use your personal information
We collect and use your personal information only for the purposes described in this policy: to provide you with better and more personalized services in order to comply with legal and regulatory requirements, and to strive to improve your user experience. By providing us with the information below or by using our services, you consent to the collection of information in accordance with this policy.
(1) Collection of personal information
1. Information you provide to us
In order to comply with the requirements of laws and regulations, and to provide you with more personalized and convenient services, we need to identify you. When you register our account and you use our related services, you need to fill out, submit and / Or provide your personal information in any other way.
(1) You need to provide us with your mobile number and set your password for the TAURUZ car wash platform. We identify your network identity at the TAURUZ car wash platform and provide you with the TAURUZ car wash platform service. If you refuse to provide a mobile number, the TAURUZ car wash platform will not be able to create an account and provide services for you.
(2) You need to provide us with your vehicle information, driver's license and driving license information. We use this to identify your network identity on the TAURUZ car wash platform, as well as the need to protect your personal property and handle user disputes. If you refuse to provide vehicle information, driver's license and driving license information, TAURUZ car wash platform will not be able to provide you with related services.
(3) You can choose to provide us with photos, name, gender, age, industry, company, career information and other information.
(4) When you participate in our operations, we need you to provide certain information, which may include your name, photo, mailing address, contact information, bank card number. This information can help us publicize the results of the event, follow up on the event, get in touch with you, and distribute gifts or transfers to you. If you refuse to provide such information, you may be unable to participate in the event or receive gifts or transfers.
(5) Your personal information may also be included or linked to you during feedback or text evaluation on the TAURUZ car wash platform.
You may choose not to provide one or more of the information in (3)-(4), which will not affect your use of our core features, but may prevent you from using some of our featured services. Please understand that we use the information you provide in response to your request, to facilitate the enjoyment of our services, to improve our website/client and to communicate with you.
2. Information we get during your use of the service
In order to improve the quality of service and user experience, we will retain information about your use of the service and how it is used. Such information includes:
(1) Your location information, we will collect your location information so that you do not need to manually enter the geographic coordinates to get the relevant services. Before you use the TAURUZ car wash platform for the first time, we will prompt you to choose whether to allow the TAURUZ car wash platform to obtain and when to get your location information. In the process of using the TAURUZ car wash platform, you can always choose whether to allow the TAURUZ car wash platform to obtain and when to get your location information through your device setup function. Once you have your permission, we will obtain your location information via IP address, GPS, and other sensors that provide relevant information, such as nearby devices, Wi-Fi access points, and base station information. If you refuse to get location information from the TAURUZ car wash platform, you will need to manually locate your location.
(2) Order information and transaction status. We will record your order information and transaction status. We collect the above information based on legal and regulatory requirements and the need to protect your personal and property safety and to handle user disputes in accordance with the platform rules.
(3) If you use the third-party payment function when making payment on the TAURUZ car wash platform, TAURUZ will not obtain other personal information except for your payment instrument and order payment status and recharge information. We collect the above information to verify that you are paying the fee, maintain the order of the platform transaction, and handle user disputes in accordance with the platform rules.
(4) In order to carry out data analysis and better improve platform services, we will collect your log information, including search content, IP address, device information (including device model, device identification code, operating system, resolution, telecom carrier). , location information, order information, feature models and user portraits to provide you with more personalized and convenient services. The above information provided by you and the information obtained above will continue to be authorized for use during your use of the Service. Unless the law has special requirements for storage time, we will stop using and anonymize the above information when you cancel your account. The above information will be stored in the People's Republic of China. In addition to the above information, we may also obtain additional information about you in order to provide services and improve the quality of our services, including but not limited to the information you provide when contacting our customer service team. Questionnaire response information, as well as information we obtained when interacting with our affiliates and our partners. At the same time, in order to improve the security of your use of the services we provide, and more accurately prevent phishing scams and Trojan viruses, we may judge the risk of your account by knowing some of your network usage habits, your commonly used software information, etc. And may record some links ("URL") that we believe are at risk.
Use of personal information
In order to provide services to you, improve the quality of our services and optimize your service experience, we will use your personal information in accordance with the law or with your authorization, and mainly for the following purposes:
1. Provide you with the services you use and maintain and improve these services. Including but not limited to the purpose of optimizing the user experience, the TAURUZ car wash platform and its affiliates share all kinds of information under your account.
2. Recommend to you content that may be of interest to you, including but not limited to the verification code, product and service information necessary to ensure that the service is completed, or to show you personalized third-party promotional information through the system, or to Share information with our partners with your consent so that they can send you information about their products and services. If you do not wish to receive the above information, you can unsubscribe through the corresponding unsubscribe function.
3. We may use your personal information to verify identity, prevent, detect, investigate possible fraud, security, illegality or violation of our or related party agreements, policies or rules to protect you, other users, us Or the legal rights of related parties.
4. We may combine personal information, transaction information from a service with information obtained from other services for comprehensive statistical, analytical or processing processes to recommend or display products that may be of interest to you. /Service information, or show you personalized third-party promotional information through the system. If you do not wish to receive commercials that we send to you, you can unsubscribe with the corresponding unsubscribe function.
5. We will count the usage of our services and may share these statistics with the public or third parties to show the overall usage trends of our products or services. However, these statistics do not contain any of your identifying information.
6. Let you participate in surveys about our products and services. We may obtain the replies sent to us when you participate in the survey and the information you provide when interacting with our affiliates and partners to optimize the quality and process of customer service.
7. Please understand that in the following cases, we do not need to ask for your authorization to collect and use personal information:
a. related to national security and national defense security;
b. related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;
c. related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;
d. It is difficult to obtain the consent of the person who maintains the important legal rights of the personal information or other individuals’ lives and property;
e. The personal information collected is disclosed by the main body of personal information to the public;
f. Your personal information collected from legally disclosed information, such as legitimate news reports, government information disclosure, etc.;
g. Required to sign a contract according to your requirements;
h. necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the products and / or services provided, such as the discovery, disposal of products and / or services;
i. Required for legal news reporting;
j. When the academic research institution conducts statistical or academic research based on public interest and provides academic research or description results, the personal information contained in the results is de-identified;
k. Other circumstances as stipulated by laws and regulations.
8. Other uses as agreed or authorized by you.
4. How do you/we share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information?
(1) How do you share and publicly disclose your personal information?
You can connect and share with each other through our services. When you create communications, transactions or sharing through our services, you can allow TAURUZ to access your computer, mobile phone or other third-party social networking site's address book for sharing TAURUZ's service invitations and offers, which may be Contains your username, avatar and other content you have confirmed to share on the TAURUZ car wash platform. Public information is any information you voluntarily share publicly. Anyone can view or access this information during and without the TAURUZ service. In order to use the TAURUZ service, there may be information that you must share publicly. For example, to build an honest trading environment, your credit rating information needs to be shared publicly. Please note that the information you voluntarily share when using our services may involve personal information of you or others, even personally sensitive information, such as your transaction information, and your choice to upload text, images or videos containing personal information when you evaluate. Various forms of information. Please consider more carefully whether you share or even share information publicly when using our services.
(2) How do we share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information?
We will not share, transfer or publicly disclose your personal information to any third party other than TAURUZ and its affiliates, with the following exceptions:
1. Get your consent or authorization.
2. In accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations or the requirements or authorization of the competent authorities such as the administrative and judicial organs.
3. For the purposes described in the “Usage of Personal Information” section, or to fulfill our obligations under the User Agreement or this Privacy Policy and to exercise our rights, perform a certain item with our affiliates, partners or on our behalf. Functional third parties (such as communication service providers that send push notifications on our behalf, payment agencies that process bank cards, third-party verification agencies, etc.) share your personal information.
4. In some cases, you can only provide the services you need or deal with your disputes or disputes with others by sharing your information.
5. We conduct joint marketing activities with third parties. We may share personal information necessary for the completion of the activities, such as the number of users participating in the event, the winning list, the contact information of the winners, etc., so that the third party can Present your prizes in a timely manner. Share with authorized partners. Certain of our services will be provided by our authorized partners for the purposes stated in this policy. We will only share your personal information for legitimate, legitimate, necessary, specific, and specific purposes, and will only share the personal information necessary to provide the service. Our partners do not have the right to use the shared personal information for any other purpose.
6. In accordance with legal requirements and reasonable business practices, we intend to accept from other entities when we plan to merge with or be acquired by other companies or carry out other capital market activities (including but not limited to IPOs, bond issuance), and in other cases. In the case of due diligence, we will provide your information to the necessary subjects, but we will require reasonable confidentiality measures for your personal information by signing a confidentiality agreement with these entities.
7. You are required to disclose to third parties in violation of laws, regulations or violations of the relevant agreements you have signed with us (including electronic agreements signed online) or related rules.
8. In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of us and related parties or other users, we may provide dispute resolution or disputes to your counterparty or interested third party when assisting in dealing with transaction disputes or disputes related to you. Required information. We will sign strict confidentiality agreements with companies, organizations and individuals with which we share personal information, and require them to process personal information in accordance with our instructions, this Privacy Policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures. As our business develops, we and our affiliates may engage in mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers or similar transactions, and your personal information may be transferred as part of such transactions.
5. How do we save and protect your personal information?
(1) Preservation of personal information
1. We will continue to store your personal information while you are using the TAURUZ car wash platform service.
2. You may delete your personal information or cancel your account in addition to the following:
a. In order to cooperate with the people's procuratorate, public security organs, and state security organs to investigate the criminal acts arising from the use of TAURUZ services by users, and better protect the safety of other users' lives and property, in order to cooperate with the people's courts to ascertain the case, your personal information and accounts will be save;
b. To comply with laws, regulations, policies, etc. regarding the retention period of personal information.
3. The information and materials we collect about you will be kept on the servers of us and/or our affiliates.
4. If you wish to delete your personal information, you can delete it by online (if you can) or by telephone to contact TAURUZ customer service. We will delete or anonymize your personal information in the event of meeting the minimum shelf life requirements of this Agreement and the laws and regulations. We will not commercialize your personal information for the minimum period of time required by the above laws and regulations.
5. If the TAURUZ car wash platform stops operating, we will announce the announcement at least 30 days in advance and stop collecting personal information in time. After the operation is stopped, we will stop the commercial use of personal information and anonymize the collected personal information after meeting the minimum storage period stipulated by laws and regulations.
6. When TAURUZ has the following conditions, your application to delete personal information will not be subject to the minimum shelf life required by laws and regulations:
a.TAURUZ collects and uses your personal information in violation of laws and administrative regulations.
b.TAURUZ collects and uses your personal information in violation of our agreement.
(2) Protection of personal information
1. Data security measures
In order to protect your information security, we strive to protect your personal information by adopting various physical, electronic and management security measures that meet industry standards, and establish data classification and classification systems, data security management specifications, and data security development specifications to manage specifications. The storage and use of personal information. We conduct comprehensive security control of data through information contact confidentiality agreements, deep protection systems, and various security mechanisms such as identity authentication, monitoring, and auditing. Prevent unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss of your personal information. We will take all reasonable and practicable steps to protect your personal information. For example, the encryption transmission protocol is used in the data transmission process; the encryption technology is used to ensure the confidentiality of the data; the trusted protection mechanism is used to prevent the data from being maliciously attacked; the access control mechanism is deployed to ensure that only authorized personnel can access the personal information; And privacy protection training courses to enhance employees' awareness of the importance of protecting personal information; establish data security monitoring and auditing systems, and conduct comprehensive data security controls. Please note that separate device information, search keyword information, and other data that cannot be directly associated with any particular individual are not personal information. If we combine such non-personal information with other information to identify a natural person's personal identity or use it in conjunction with personal information, such device information will be treated as personal information during the combined use. We will take all reasonable and practicable steps to ensure that no irrelevant personal information is collected. We will only retain your personal information for the period of time required to achieve the purposes stated in this policy, unless the retention period is extended or permitted by law. The Internet is not an absolutely secure environment. We strongly recommend that you use a secure password and use complex passwords to help us keep your account secure. If you find that your personal information has been compromised, especially if your account or password has been compromised, please contact us immediately according to the contact information provided in this policy, so that we can take appropriate measures.
2. Security incidents
In the event of unfortunate personal information security incidents, we will promptly inform you in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations: the basic situation and possible impact of security incidents, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, and you can prevent and reduce risks autonomously. Measures, remedies for you, etc. We will promptly inform you of the relevant circumstances of the incident by mail, letter, telephone, push notification, etc. When it is difficult to inform the individual information subject one by one, we will issue a notice in a reasonable and effective manner. At the same time, we will also report the disposal of personal information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory authorities.
How do you manage your personal information?
You have the following rights to your personal information:
(1) Accessing and correcting your personal information, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations. You can manage your information in the following ways:
Account Information - You can access and correct personal data and account information (except identity authentication information), payment information, account binding information, etc. in your account, or you can change your password, add security information or log out of your current account. You can do this by accessing the APP client. Order Information - You can view all your completed, pending, and pending orders by visiting the App Clients Orders page. Information deletion - you can contact customer service to submit a removal request. We will delete or anonymize your personal information subject to the minimum shelf life requirements of this Agreement, User Agreement requirements and laws and regulations, but this may result in our inability to provide you with the appropriate services. If you are unable to manage the above personal information, you can always contact our customer service to resolve.
(2) Changing the scope of your authorized consent or withdrawing the authorization, we will protect your right to withdraw consent by:
a. The commercial advertisement information sent by the TAURUZ car wash platform will explain to you the specific unsubscribe method. You can withdraw the consent according to the unsubscribe method described in the information.
b. You can use the device's settings feature to turn off the device permissions (including location, contacts, photos, microphones, cameras, notifications, etc.) and withdraw the authorization to TAURUZ to obtain your personal information.
c. You can also withdraw some authorizations by disabling bank card binding, deleting information, and so on. When you withdraw your consent or authorization, it may prevent us from continuing to provide you with the service corresponding to the Withdrawal Authorization section. However, your withdrawal of consent or authorization does not affect the processing of personal information based on your consent prior to withdrawal.
(3) To cancel the account, you can cancel the account on the TAURUZ car wash platform. Unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations, we will stop providing services to you after canceling the account number, and save your personal information according to the deadlines and laws and regulations stipulated in this agreement. We will anonymize your personal information after the expiration of the retention period. deal with. All of the above information can be accessed and updated through the TAURUZ client. If you believe that the TAURUZ car wash platform has collected and used your personal information in violation of the law, you can contact us through TAURUZ customer service. For security reasons, we may require you to provide a written request or otherwise justify your identity and request, and we will respond to your request within 30 days of receiving your feedback and verifying your identity. For your reasonable request, we do not charge in principle, but for repeated requests that exceed reasonable limits, we will charge a certain fee according to the situation. For those who are unreasonably repetitive, need too much technical means (for example, need to develop new systems or fundamentally change existing practices), pose risks to the legal rights of others, or are very impractical (for example, involving information stored on backup tapes) Request, we may refuse. How do we use cookies? A cookie is a text file that is stored on your access device by a web server. The cookie assigned to you is unique and can only be read by the web server that publishes the cookie to your domain. We use cookies to help you personalize your online experience and give you an easier access experience for us and our affiliates. For example, cookies will help you to call your information when you visit our website, simplifying the process of filling out your personal information (such as one-click login, etc.); providing you with secure shopping preferences; helping you optimize your choice of advertising and Interact; protect your data security and more. You have the right to accept or decline cookies. Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser settings to reject cookies based on your needs. Currently, major Internet standards organizations have not yet established policies to dictate how websites should respond to such requests. If your browser has Do Not Track enabled, all of our sites will respect your choice. However, you may not be able to fully experience the full functionality of our website or certain services that you visit.
8.How do we protect the personal information of minors?
We attach great importance to the protection of minors' personal information. Our websites and services are primarily for adults. If you are a minor, we encourage you to ask your parent or guardian to read this Privacy Policy carefully and use our services or provide us with the information, with the consent of your parent or guardian. For the collection of children's personal information with parental consent, we will only use or publicly disclose this information if it is permitted by law, with the explicit consent of the parent or guardian, or the protection of the child. If we find that we have collected personal information about a child without prior verifiable parental consent, we will try to delete the data as soon as possible. We protect the personal information of minors in accordance with the law. Although local laws and customs define children differently, we treat anyone under the age of 14 as a child.
9. How to update this policy?
In order to provide you with better service, our business will change from time to time, and this privacy policy will be adjusted accordingly. We will send you an updated version, send a push notification or otherwise remind you of updates to the content via this app client, and please visit us to stay up-to-date with the latest privacy policy. Unless otherwise stated, the revised Privacy Policy will be effective as of the date of publication. In the above circumstances, if you continue to use our services, you agree to accept and be bound by this revised policy.
10, how do you contact us?
If you have any questions about this policy, you can contact us by email at enquiry@thetaurus.com.hk or call our customer service at (852)24920386. We will respond to your request and do our best to resolve it. If you are dissatisfied with our response, especially if we believe that our personal information handling behavior has harmed your legal rights, you can also resolve it by a court action that has jurisdiction over the defendant's domicile.